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English has become the established language of scholarly communication. It’s recognized as the international language of science and engineering. Academic reward structures in many countries place great emphasis on publication in international journals that are mostly English-language. As technology advances globally, engineers must be able to communicate across national and cultural boundaries, and English is the vehicle for professionals advancing technology today.

As more and more companies are working on international projects, English is increasingly used by scientists across the world to communicate with all parties involved.  As a result, English language skills are both a common requirement and a valuable asset for career progression for every type of engineering background, such as Civil, Biochemical, Agricultural, Mechanical, Chemical, Petroleum, and Aeronautical Engineers.

The course is designed to help develop the communicative performance of scientists who wish to improve their abilities in English when dealing with their staff, other managers, suppliers, external colleagues and other technologists internally or internationally.

English Squared is fully tailored to the specific needs of scientists, whether they work in the civil, military, mechanical, energy, manufacturing or automotive sector. Whether you are new to the industry or are a working professional, you will learn and practice the specific English skills needed to excel in your job. We work with experienced professionals who focus on the specific engineering vocabulary relevant to your sector. English Squared consists of  hours of online training to enhance communication skills across five dynamic and interactive skills:

  • Speaking in Technical English

  • Listening and Comprehension

  • Technical Writing

  • Reading and Understanding

  • Technical Publicationsnicative practice activities.

Levels of English

  • English Squared course materials are designed for B1 levels and higher.  Most of our students are Intermediate and Advanced. 

  • We have native Portuguese and Ukrainian speakers who are advanced or fluent in English for beginners and elementary students. 

  • Ask about which is appropriate for you! If you are not sure, schedule an informational session today. 


Benefits of English Squared

  1. Learn to communicate effectively and share ideas with colleagues. 

  2. Strengthen your written English communications skills, which can help authors and researchers effectively share their research results.

  3. Enable greater collaboration with global research teams.

  4. Build confidence and the necessary communication skills for job performance and career advancement.

  5. Develop more effective verbal communication skills and enhanced presentation capabilities. 

  6. Improve listening and comprehension skills.


Lexical Content of the Course

The course can include building the range of vocabulary in some of the following areas:

  • Scientific Method;

  • Energy & Power;

  • Renewable Energy;

  • Climate change, the greenhouse effect;

  • Computers

  • Nanotechnology;

  • Chemical Engineering;

  • Mechanical Engineering;

  • Electrical Engineering;

  • Aerospace Engineering;


We work with each individual to ensure they are given the opportunity to practice the language that they have acquired and require by using a variety of communicative practice activities.

Reading a Book


  • In addition to group and private lessons based on the textbook and syllabus, we also offer the opportunity to practice your writing and discussion on more open & creative topics.

  • See the examples below. Check out our Corporate Engineering Plan for your company's engineering teams today!

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