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About Marianna Golstova Ph.D.

Ph.D. in Philology, Associate Professor, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Chair of Romance and Germanic languages and Translation.


Proactive lecturer and researcher with 11 years of experience teaching courses on undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Published over 30 articles in peer-reviewed journal, including 4 scientific articles which are indexed in Scopus and Web of Science.


  • Graduated from Kyiv National Linguistic University in 2010.

  • Did postgraduate studies (2012 – 2015) at Kyiv National Linguistic University.


Academic Achievements

  • Defended the thesis (“Derivability of implicatures in the English and Ukrainian languages from the logical, pragmatic and contrastive aspects”) in 2016.

  • Got PhD diploma (Candidate of Philological Sciences) in 2016.

  • Got Associate Professor diploma in 2021.


Work Experience

  • 2010-09 – 2015 -09 – an English teacher at Kyiv Natural-Scientific Lyceum № 145;

  • 2015-09 – 2019 – a lecturer of the English language at Kyiv National Linguistic University;

  • 2019-09 – present – an Associate Professor at National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Chair of Romance and Germanic languages and Translation.

Main scientific articles and academic textbooks:

Works included into SCOPUS and Web of Science:

Goltsova, M. Holophrastic constructions as a means of occasional word formation in English popular fiction. Cogito. Multidisciplinary research journal, XIII, no.1/March, 2021. P. 132–145. (Scopus)

Kravchenko, N., Goltsova, M. & Snitsar, V. (2021). Сyclical time in fairy tale and rap lyrics: Points of intersection. In Lege artis. Language yesterday, today, tomorrow. The journal of University of SS Cyril and Methodius in Trnava. Trnava: University of SS Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, 2021, VI (1), June 2021, p. 75-108. (Web of Science)

Politics as Art: The Creation of a Successful Political Brand. Journal of History Culture and Art Research, 9(4), 314-323. (Web of Science)

Kravchenko, N. K., Davydova, T. V., & Goltsova, M. G. (2020). A Comparative Study of Fairy Tale and Rap Narratives: Spaces Specificity. Journal of History Culture and Art Research, 9(3), 155-167. (Web of Science)

Goltsova, M. G. The logical and pragmatic algorithm of inferring euphemistic implicatures in the English and Ukrainian languages.Міжнародний філологічний часопис. Київ: НУБіП України. 10 (2), 2019р.— С. 39 — 44.

Goltsova, M. G. Antiphrasis-based folk similies in the English and Ukrainian languages.Міжнародний філологічний часопис. Київ: НУБіП України 10 (3), 2019р. — С. 45— 51.

Goltsova, M. G., Chybis, L.V. Coronavirus neologisms in the English and Ukrainian languages. Науковий журнал "Міжнародний філологічний часопис". Київ: "МІЛЕНІУМ", 2021. Випуск 12 (1). С. 45-48.

Goltsova, M. G. Oxymoronic implicatures inferring in the English and Ukrainian languages. Міжнародний філологічний часопис. Київ: "МІЛЕНІУМ", 2020. Випуск 11 (4). С. 40-44. https://

Goltsova, M. G., Khodarchenko, A.V. The genre differentiation and linguistic peculiarities of English diplomatic discourse «Міжнародний філологічний часопис» Vol. 12, № 2, 2021. C. 104-107.

Goltsova, M. G. Violations of Gricean maxims in ironic similes. Conference proceedings: International scientific and practical conference "Сhallenges of plilological sciences, international communication and translation studies in Ukraine and European countries", October 30-31, 2020. Venice: Izdevnieciba “Baltija Publishing”, 2020. P. 121-124.

Practical Guide to Learning English for Second Year University Students Specialising in Philology and Translation Studies. Part II.


Практичний курс англійської мови. Частина ІІ: навч. посібник / Гольцова М.Г., Фабрична Я.Г., Черхава О.О. / Заг. редакція – Фабрична Я. Г. – Київ: Видавничий центр КНЛУ, 2020. – 398 с.

Гольцова М. Г. Методичні рекомендації з дисципліни “Практична граматика основної іноземної мови (англійської)” для студентів І курсу гуманітарно-педагогічного факультету спеціальності 035.041 “Філологія” / М. Г. Гольцова. – Вертикаль, 2021. – 80 с.

Гольцова М. Г. Методичні рекомендації з дисципліни “Практична граматика основної іноземної мови (англійської)” для студентів ІІІ курсу гуманітарно-педагогічного факультету спеціальності 035.041 “Філологія” / М. Г. Гольцова. – Вертикаль, 2021. – 80 с.

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