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English Squared - Quickstart

Публічна·7 учасників
Aaron Harford
17 серпня 2022 р. · змінює опис групи.

Welcome to E2 QuickStart! Here you can decide what kind of program to start with, discuss the difference between groups, private lessons, and self-paced materials, and get to know others who are getting started.

Hello! Welcome to QuickStart! If you have any questions, or issues with getting started, feel free to post here or engage with the chat.

Aaron Harford
Jonathan Nunes Ribeiro
16 серпня 2022 р. · приєднується до групи.
Aaron Harford

I completed Cambridge English Test!

Aaron Harford

Про групу

Welcome to E2 QuickStart! Here you can decide what kind of p...


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