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Aaron Harford M.S.

From Los Angeles, California but living in Kyiv, Ukraine Aaron is a Ph.D. candidate at Kyiv Polytechnic Institute of Igor Sikorsky (KPI) for electrical engineering.  Primary research focus is in electrostatics for aerospace applications regarding active radiation shielding, propulsion, and electret generators for said applications.  Experience includes teaching and advising in the university system in the United States, and building spacecraft in the Mojave desert of California. 

“Working in higher education to empower students and guide them in finding their life path was an inspiring experience, and I carry this into my English Squared teaching & mentoring. Indeed, the pandemic has allowed me to interact with a far more global community, and it has had a profound effect on my perspective and mentality.  


The year I spent out in Mojave working on spacecraft taught me that with a small team of dedicated, talented individuals, pursuing a realistic yet ambitious goal, and with even relatively humble resources, we can, in light of fact, change the world.  

To wake up every day and see White Knight 2 flying overhead, rocket engines being tested (and sometimes

exploding), it led me to realize the biggest risk in life is in not even daring to try. The recent flight of Sir Richard

Branson confirms that even if it takes longer, costs more, and the outcome is ever in doubt, we should always

endeavor to try. Even if we “fail” it is NOT failure, but merely a learning experience.

“Imagination is more important than knowledge.”

-Albert Einstein

“Genius Nothing!  I have merely failed my way to success!”

-Thomas Edison



  • Ph.D. Candidate in Electrical Engineering 2020-2024 at KPI.

  • Mathematics & Engineering at Henderson State University & Luna College.

  • Master of Science from University of Arkansas.

  • Bachelor of Arts from UA- Fort Smith.

  • Scholarship for Mathematics from Los Alamos National Labs Foundation.

  • 10 years’ experience in the US university educational system.

  • 3 years’ experience teaching English in Ukraine and online internationally.

  • Co-Founder & Chief Officer of Innovation & Technology Systems (COITS) at English Squared.


“To the desert go prophets and hermits; through desert go pilgrims and exiles.  Here the leaders of the great religions have sought the therapeutic and spiritual values of retreat, not to escape but to find reality.”

-Paul Shepard

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